Working principle: heavy particles with high density, such as gold, platinum metals, rare elements, etc., are trapped between the coils and the bottom of the concentrator, while light particles, fine and light minerals with low density, such as such as sand, they are discharged together with water. The separation of the mineral from the polymetallic ore is done by hydrogravitation through swirling. The cleaning cycle is 4~8 hours, depending on the power supply.

Advantages: the machine has the ability to separate/select, through specific adjustments, the elements, by density classes: osmium-iridium-platinum-gold-tungsten-thulium-tellurium-tantalum-mercury-rhodium-palladium, or other rare elements.

Characteristics: min/max capacity – 17/25 TONS/HOUR (sand<4mm lenght, with which the concentrator will be fed); the water requirement is regulated according to the capacity of the station.

Outer diameter: 232 cm

Adjustable height: between 160-200 cm

Weight: 970 kg

Concentration ratio: 1:300 = from 300 tons results in 1 ton of concentrate

For other details, please contact the technical department.


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